Looking at the photo we took at a recent pastors’ meeting, I remember that in the beginning it didn’t look like they were ever going to work out. So I praise God for what He has done in and through these meetings.
In June of 2003 I attended the Foundations Conference at the Bible College in Vajta, Hungary and in one of the sessions I heard about how God had used the pastor meetings in Hungary to develop and grow the Calvary Chapels in Hungary. So when I got back home to Romania I emailed everyone involved in pastoring and planting Calvary Chapels in Romania and shared with them what I heard and how I thought that this would be good for us.
Right away I got an email from Shane Herman, who pastors the Calvary Chapel in Bucharest, and he was excited about doing it but his was the only response I got back. I was disappointed but realized that most were real busy with their ministries. So Shane and I started meeting the first Tuesday of each month and would have a time of worship, prayer and fellowship. Sometimes other servants from the fellowship in Bucharest would join us, but for the most part it was just Shane and I. Each month we would send out emails and call the others up encouraging them to come but for several months no one else came.
I began to wonder if we should continue meeting since there didn’t seem to be any interest except for the two of us. (more)