Friday, May 28, 2010

Proverbs 3: A Mini-Guide to Life - Tim Keller

In our youth group here at CC Bucureşti we are currently studying through the book of Proverbs after having done in-depth studies on what the gospel is and what is involved in being a disciple of Jesus since last September. Last night we looked at Proverbs 3 which tells us about 17 things we should do and the blessings that will result if we do. Proverbs gives us a lot of practical advice for how to live a wise life but it needs to be studied and applied in light of Jesus who is the true wisdom of God. 

In preparing for the study I came across a blog post by Tim Keller called Proverbs: A Mini-Guide to Life which looks at Proverbs 3. I really like it and found it useful for our discussion last night. Here is what Tim says at the beginning of the post.
In my regular, daily Bible reading over the past year I read through Proverbs 3, a passage I've studied and preached through many times. But during this reading, I realized that in verses 3 through 12 we have all the themes of the rest of the book, and therefore a kind of mini-guide to faithful living. There are five things that comprise a wise, godly life. They function both as means to becoming wise and godly as well as signs that you are growing into such a life:
Here is a summary of the five things Tim talks about. Go check out his blog post to see what he has to say. If you do, you will have chosen wisely.
  1. Trust God Deeply
  2. Submit to the Word
  3. Be Humble and Teachable
  4. Be Generous
  5. Accept and Learn from Difficulties and Suffering

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