Wednesday, November 14, 2012

What is the Gospel? Mark Stevens

One of the great things about the internet is that we have access to the thinking of many excellent Bible teachers and scholars, both past and present. Of course there is a lot of bad stuff out there as well. But if you are careful and discerning you can find many resources to help you grow in your understanding of the gospel.  Personally, I really enjoy and am blessed by  the conversation that is going on about the gospel on the internet.

We all need to be challenged to think deeply about the gospel and one of the ways to do that is to see what others say about it. Especially people who come from different traditions and backgrounds. It doesn't mean we have to agree with them but just maybe they will help us to see some of our own blind spots and biases. 

Our goal in the end is to understand what God is saying the gospel is in His Word and then to let that truth permeate our thinking, our hearts and our lives. In order for that to happen we need not only His Word but the Holy Spirit as well. So search the scriptures, see what others have to say and pray and ask the Lord for discernment and understanding and ask Him also for help to get it deep into your heart and out into your life. Take a hold of the gospel so Jesus can take a hold of you!

Here is a blog series done by Mark Stevens, a pastor of a church in Australia, in which he answers the question "What is the Gospel?".  I think this is a question that all believers should be able to answer. Check it out.
  1. What is the Gospel? An Introduction
  2. What is the Gospel? A Soterian Approach
  3. What is the Gospel? A Social Justice Approach
  4. What is the Gospel? A Historical/Contextual Approach
  5. What is the Gospel? The Gospel of McKnight!
  6. What is the Gospel? The Gospel According to Mark

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