Saturday, November 15, 2014

What is Christianity About?

Christianity is not about being good enough for God to let you into heaven. Why? Because of your rebellion against God you could never be good enough to deserve heaven. Christianity is about putting your complete trust in Jesus and what he did to deal with your sin so that you could be reconciled to God. 

What did Jesus do? He left heaven and was born of a virgin and lived a sinless life completely fulfilling the law of God. Then in love he willingly went to the cross and paid the price for every sin ever committed. After his death and spending three days in a tomb he rose from the dead proving he was the Son of God and that sin had indeed been taken care of. As Jesus said on the cross, “It is finished!”

Jesus offers you salvation as a gift. But you must receive it, you must take a hold of it. To do that you must first recognize your rebellion against God. That you had turned from God to be your own god and have looked to created things to find life, happiness and satisfaction instead of God. Then you need to turn back to God and take the gift of salvation that Jesus offers you. When you do that your sin is taken care of and you are adopted into the family of God and will live with Him forever in His eternal kingdom.

The choice is yours but remember, what you do with Jesus decides whether you will be with God or apart from God for all of eternity. The stakes are high, don’t take this lightly. Call out to God and seek Him with all your mind and heart.

Related Links
Why Should Seekers Consider the Gospel?
What is Christianity? Jon Oleksiuk (2:14)

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