Friday, July 29, 2011

Food for Thought 2

How should normal everyday Christians be involved in life, evangelism and missions and what should motivate them? Here are a few links that will give you some "Food for Thought" in regards to these things. 

About the impact "normal everyday" Christians had on the growth of Christianity

The call to radical mission is NOT the solution to consumer Christianity - Part 1

The call to radical mission is NOT the solution to consumer Christianity - Part 2

The Glory and Goal of Missions

The Attributes of God in Light of the Cross - video - Dallas Willard on Spiritual Formation - 16 minutes

Spirituality isn't Inward

Lording willing I will be sending out my newsletter next week. You can check it out you can at the link Time, Traveling and Teams and if you would like to receive my newsletters just go to Subscribe.

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